How to Get Your Work/Life Back to Balanced

Do you think that work/life balance is a modern myth?

The Great Resignation is proving that now, more than ever,
people are craving a lifestyle that no longer includes
overwhelm and burnout.

My own experience with both of them
forced me to make major changes 
in my habits, mindset, and work hours.

I am now more productive in less time,
not to mention happier.

Here are three ways I got my work/life back to balanced:

  1. Communicate your challenges.
    Ugh. This was a big one for me. I'd been raised to persevere and not bother anyone.
    Plus, my career in the music industry taught me not to show weakness.  In retrospect,
    I realize how much more I would've gotten out of my 9 years of applied clarinet lessons
    if I'd just told my professors where I was struggling.  I bet they would've had helpful solutions.
    Here's the thing...
    no one knows what you need unless you explain it.
    People aren't noticing that you're overwhelmed unless you tell them.
    This isn't about complaining.  It's confidently letting people know what you need
    to be productive, efficient, and creative.

  2. Ask for support.
    A lot of people have trouble asking for help but have no trouble (or actually enjoy) giving it!
    Let's ditch that double standard and understand that we all need help from time to time.
    If someone says yes when they mean no, that's on them, not you.

  3. Make physical and mental health a priority.
    I had to put my business on hold as I recovered from burnout because I knew I was wasting 
    time and energy trying to carry on.  My productivity was awful; my creativity at an all-time low.

    I got myself to the doctor, pulled back to a 3-day work week, and trusted that my business
    and my finances would be ok.  This was my single, best decision of that summer.
    YOU are your most valuable resource.  Your time and energy are not infinite.
    You can't expect to take care of others if you don't take care of yourself.
  4. Set and Keep Boundaries.
    You do not have an infinite well of time and energy. These are resources that have to be protected.
    If you don't have enough of either to do the things you love or be fully present with loved ones,
    your work suffers due to a loss of perspective and joy.  Check out the opportunity below.

If this resonates with you, and you'd like to learn more, I've got a FREE masterclass coming up on setting boundaries,
"How to Say No: 5 Keys to Setting (and Keeping!) Strong and Kind Boundaries."  Click here to sign up!

Dr. Nancy Williams is a Music Educator and Leadership & Life Coach with over twenty years of experience creating cultures of joy and empowerment for her students, clients, and music ensembles.


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